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How to reschedule your appointment

Have a conflict in your schedule? No need to worry :) Rescheduling is easy, as long as it is within our 72 hour reschedule policy! This means you have up to 72 hours BEFORE your appointment time to reschedule.  If you try to reschedule and receive a "get in contact" notice, that means that you are out of your reschedule window. Your booking lets us know you are committed to us, as much as we are committed to you!  We understand that your time is valuable, so we ask you to kindly respect ours as well.

Our reschedule policy allows you to reschedule your appointment up to 72 hours in advance and up to 3x.  Reschedules or cancellations within 72 hours will forfeit the deposit (including bookings made within the 72 time-frame). You may cancel your appointment before 72 hours to reuse your booking fee for a future appointment. Any reschedules or cancellation out of our policy will result in the forfeit of your booking fee. Please understand that this gives your artist an advanced notice and allows us to fill your appointment slot. :) 


We highly suggest utilizing our online booking system to not only book your appointments, but to reschedule them as well. This way, you can access your account and appointments at any time of the day! How convenient is that :) Though we are committed to our clients, we kindly ask for your patience getting back to you as we are in appointments throughout the day and will get back to you as soon as we can during business hours. You may text the artists at 408-753-6696 as needed. 



Step 1: Make an account using the same email you used to book by clicking the "login" button on the top right corner of the booking page.



Step 2: Once you are logged in, on a desk top click on "Hello ________ (your name)", next to the person icon. On a mobile device, click on the person icon             , this will open your appointments under "My Account."



Step 3: Your appointments will be in the drop list under "appointments." Click on the appointment you would like to reschedule as long as it is BEFORE 72 hours of your appointment, or + icon next to it. . If it is within 72 hours, the system will not allow you and tell you to "Get in contact!"  After clicking the appointment or the + sign, the reschedule and cancellation icons will open up.


If you would like to reschedule, click the reschedule icon that looks like a clock with an arrow            


If you would like to cancel and use your deposit for a future appointment, click in the trashcan icon to cancel 



Step 4:  Please choose your specific artist in the dropdown list, otherwise the system will book with whoever is available on that date/time. Once you choose your new date and/or time, you will receive a new confirmation email with your new appointment details! Remember to make sure you chose the correct date, time, and artist :)


Step 5: You're all set!



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