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s t o r e  p o l i c y 

Appointment Policy



- Please try to arrive 10 min before your appointments if it is your first time with us to allow you/us time to choose your technique, style, curl, set. A picture would be great to visually show your artist what you are looking for.

- We also have a CC Customized Lash Card that you could use to choose your set, fullness, curl, length, and style!
- The more detailed you are, the better! It is like showing up to any beauty appointment (haircut, hair color, or nail appointment). It is very hard for your artist if you show up and just ask for a haircut, hair color, or manicure-- they will ask you how long, how short, what color, etc! Everyone's interpretation on what they think "natural/full" or "short/long" is may be very different so it is best to have visuals so there is no miscommunication, or also lengths by mm.
 We want to make the most out of your time with us and we strive for perfection! We are in this together so please help us out by coming prepared. :)
- Arrive early to also allow time to fill out your consent form

- If you would like to receive a patch test, you may request for a patch test at least 72 hours before your appointment. A patch test is $25 (your deposit) and will consist of lashing a few extensions on your lashes to see if you have any reaction to the lashes and/or glue. Since there are no refunds after the work is done, we recommend this if you have  reason to believe you may need this. Although reactions are very rare, we would like to inform you of this option as we as artists cannot determine or have control over these situations.

- If this is your first time getting your lashes done, we recommend doing a few days before an important event as there are risks of irritation, red eyes (if your eyes are sensitive and not used to the glue fumes), as well as possible allergies. 

- Lashes may look different from person to person and results may vary due to differences in eye-shape, lash growth, facial feature etc. It will be easier to adjust the lengths and style after the 1st appointment as we can determine how the lashes look on you.

- I understand that booking with different artists in different tiers will have different results due to different experience level, speed, retention,  and technique from trainee, junior, senior, and master artists. Rates reflect that.


- Arrive with no eye-make up (mascara, bottom mascara, eyeliner, or bottom eyeliner, concealer, foundation, powder around eyes) and clean washed lashes (and preferably clean face-- free of oils) for your lash appointment! We highly suggest not wearing any the same day or even the day before as little make-up particles tend to stay in your lash-line that are not visible to the eye even after a wash. Otherwise, there will be an automatic $10 cleaning charge. This must be done BEFORE your appointment, not during, no exceptions. Clean lashes will allow desired lashing conditions as oil, make-up, and dust build up will require more time to clean as well as cause poor retention.  If there is too much make-up and/or build up on extensions during fills, we will need to do a full removal ($25) and new set as it is unsafe and unhygienic to work over. Let's work together to prevent that :)


1. You will need to lather foam lash cleanser into your lashes with a dense eye-make up brush (also sold at CC Cosmetics) to be able to get into the small gaps to clean your lash line-- your finger or spoolie is not enough!

2. Once you get a good lather, gently rinse with water to remove any cleanser.

3. Airdry or blow dry and brush with spoolie.


- To ensure quality service, we have a 10 min grace period. If time permits for the appointment, we can take your appointment with the understanding the appointment might be shortened due to another appointment. Otherwise, you will need to schedule a new appointment for another day with a new booking fee.

- There is a $5 discount for cash payments for lashes and facials, and $10 for brows! We also accept Venmo, Apple Pay and CC.

- On rare occasions, please be advised that your artist is subject to change due to last minute emergencies. We will let you know in advanced if this occurs and promise that changes will only be made to an artist within the same tier or higher.



- Please try to arrive 10 min before your appointments if it is your first time with us to fill out your consent form. A picture would be great to visually show your artist what you are looking for.

- Do not drink alcohol or caffeine before your appointment as it thins out your blood

- Must not be pregnant or breastfeeding

All Additional Fees and Charges 


+$10 (fill) / $20 (full) - Lengths longer than 16 (17-20)

+$10 for new wispy sets (the only style that is an additional charge as it takes longer to do this style) No additional charge for perfect, doll, cat-eye, CC signature styles)

+$5 for wispy fills

+$10 to clean eyelashes (to make the most of your appointment and encourage proper hygiene and care) This must be done BEFORE your appointment, not during. No exceptions. Clean lashes will provide desired lashing conditions as oil, make-up, and dust build up will require more time to clean/lash as well as poor retention.  If there is too much make-up or build up, we will need to do a full removal ($25) and brand new set as it is unsafe and unhygienic to work over. Let's work together to prevent that! :(

+$25 foreign fill (out of salon fill) or full removal (complete removal of lashes)

- We have a foreign fill charge because here at CC Cosmetics, we do fills according to how many weeks has passed, the set that you GOT, and the set you choose to GET. This is hard to determine and gauge when the lashes are not from our salon, as we do not know the type of set you had previously gotten, as well as the work that was done. This could range from glue usage, type of glue, type of lashes, how full, lash isolation, lash placement, technique, retention... the list goes on! There are so many determining factors that are out of our control which is why we can do our best by charging you our regular fill price + a foreign fill charge for the additional work needed. This is a one time charge. Once you are a returning client, you will not have to worry about this at all :)

+$10 (fill)/$20 (full) service fee for out of business hours M-S  10am-6pm* (by popular request)

Yes, we know! Sometimes life gets busy. Or, sometimes a last minute event pops up! We have had many last minute requests for appointments for vacations, parties, emergency fills, etc. We would love to accommodate you, and if time permits, we do offer appointments before and after business hours for an added $10 (for fills) or $20 (for new sets) service charge. 
*These are for any appointments that go out of the business hours (before 10am and after 6pm). Please let us know if you have any questions, our business is open 8 hours a day! Anything earlier or later is considered out of our salon hours. Remember, this only applies to appointments out of our business hours! If you are coming at regula hours, you do not have to worry about this at all! :-)



+$100/hr for shape/color corrections (if you have previous brow work that are not the shape or color you want, we will need to do either a shape or color correction)


Confirmation Email and Text Reminders 


-  You will receive a confirmation email right after you book. If you don't, please notify us right away.

- The confirmation email will have your appointment details and friendly reminders for your convenience. It is not meant to provide all the information you will need, which is why we kindly ask you to read our policies before booking and have you agree to our policies before allowing you to book on the booking page. By answering "yes," you have read our policies and are aware of all additional fees and charges, if applicable.

- You will receive text reminders from an automatic system 4 days (to allow you the opportunity to reschedule your appointment before the 72 hours policy, 1 day, and 1 hour) before your appointment. Please reply 1 to let your artist know you confirm, 3 if you want to reschedule. This however, does NOT reschedule your appointment. You will still need to do it online or with your artist by texting 408-753-6696. ANY and ALL other replies should be sent there, NOT the automated text reminder number. Though we are committed to our clients, we kindly ask for your patience getting back to you as we are in appointments throughout the day and will get back to you as soon as we can during business hours. Unfortunately, we do not have visibility to the automatic text reminders so please, DO NOT TEXT or REACH OUT TO US with the notification system number! We do not see it at all! Thank you for understanding :)


Booking Policy


-  Please check your confirmation email to make sure you made the correct booking. Refills are ONLY for sets 5 weeks and under, anything beyond 5 weeks or less than 30% coverage remaining after removing grown out lashes will be considered a new set! 

- If you have booked the wrong appointment, please reschedule online by-- making an account using the same email you used to book your appointment. This will allow you to reuse your booking fee. Incorrect bookings will result in forfeit of booking fee and additional charges due to rescheduling. So, please kindly book the correct appointment to allow proper time blockage for the artists' calendars! We appreciate it.

- We highly suggest utilizing our online booking system to not only book your appointments, but to reschedule them as well. This way, you can access your account and appointments at any time of the day! How convenient is that :) Though we are committed to our clients, we kindly ask for your patience getting back to you as we are in appointments throughout the day and will get back to you as soon as we can during business hours. You may text the artists at 408-753-6696 as needed. 


Deposit and Reschedule Policy


- $25 for lash & facial appointments, $50 for brow retouch, and $100 for semi-permanent make-up services. This is according to how much time is booked out, for you! :)

- All booking fees/deposits are nonrefundable and nontransferable and will be credited towards your service. There are no cancellations, but you may use your deposit for a future appointment if you cancel 72 hours in advance.

- Have a conflict in your schedule? No need to worry :) Rescheduling is easy, as long as it is within our 72 hour reschedule policy! This means you have up to 72 hours BEFORE your appointment time to reschedule.  If you try to reschedule and receive a "get in contact" notice, that means that you are out of your reschedule window. Your booking lets us know you are committed to us, as much as we are committed to you!  We understand that your time is valuable, so we ask you to kindly respect ours as well.




- Our reschedule policy allows you to reschedule your appointment up to 72 hours in advance and up to 3x.  Reschedules or cancellations within 72 hours will forfeit the deposit (including bookings made within the 72 time-frame). You may cancel your appointment before 72 hours to reuse your booking fee for a future appointment. Any reschedules or cancellation out of our policy will result in the forfeit of your booking fee. Please understand that this gives your artist an advanced notice and allows us to book your appointment slot. :)

Pre-Procedure Instructions & Policy


Eyebrows: Avoid tweezing, waxing, electrolysis, and coloring your brows for two weeks prior to the procedure if possible. This will allow your practitioner the most flexibility to achieve optimal results.


Please check if you are candidate for this procedure @:


Eyeliner: DO NOT WEAR CONTACT LENSES DURING OR IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE PROCEDURE. Remember to bring your glasses. You may resume wearing your contact lenses as soon as your eyes return to their pretreated condition. Do not use growth stimulants such as Latisse®, RapidLash®, or RevitaLash® for at least one week prior to and one week after your eyeliner procedure.


Lips: If you have any history of cold sores/ fever blisters/ herpes simplex, you must contact your physician to obtain and take the proper prescription medication to prevent such outbreaks for at least 4 days before and after the procedure. Many physicians prescribe 12 capsules of 500mg Valtrex. Follow your physician’s instructions. Two or three applications may be required to achieve the desired results. It is not uncommon to lose up to 70% of the color on the first application.


Eyelashes: Please come with no eye-make up and clean lashes, BEFORE your lash appointment.  Failure to do so will result in a $10 CLEANING FEE, no exceptions. We cannot glue extensions to lashes that have traces of oil, dirt, make-up, etc. It takes away from YOUR lashing time, and is harder for us to start your session without properly cleaning the lashes.



Happily Ever After Clause
Our Promise: Here at CC Cosmetics, the happiness and overall lash experience of each client is of the utmost concern. If for any reason you do not absolutely love your lashes, simply let your artist know and all efforts will be made to address your concerns. While our team is committed to keeping all of our clients happy, it is the clients responsibility to give us honest feedback before leaving the premises.

I understand that booking with different artists in different tiers will have different results due to experience level. speed, retention, and technique may vary with trainee, junior, senior, and master artists and I understand that the rates reflect that. I understand that if I would like to book with a specific artist, I should book in advance to make sure I get my desired artist, time, and date.


 I am over 18 years of age and consent to the agreement of the eyelash extension application procedure. If I am under 18 years old, I have the consent of a legal guardian that will sign for me below. 

I give consent for photographs to be taken of my lashes and used for the salon’s use and by us only. 



Please arrive 10 minutes before your appt to fill out proper documentation and consent forms if you are a new client.






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