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General Micropigmentation (semi-permanent makeup) procedures are affected by the “canvas” (your skin) that they are performed on. Lifestyle, medications, smoking, metabolism, facial surgery and other procedures, and age of skin all contribute to fading. The initial application is always applied conservatively because every person’s skin is different and the final color can only be precisely determined and adjusted during a follow-up appointment after the initial application has fully healed. Because of this, the micropigmentation process is not complete after the initial procedure. In all cases, a follow-up appointment is required approximately 30-60 days after your initial application to fine tune and ensure the best result.


Though rare, infection is possible. If you see signs of infection such as persistent increased redness or swelling, fever, drainage, or oozing, contact your doctor immediately.




1. Do not touch the healing pigmented area with your fingers. They may have

bacteria on them and create an infection. Always use a clean cotton swab or Q-tip

2. Apply Bacitracin or Vaseline ointment 3 to 5 times daily for 7 to 10 days. If using

Bacitracin, discontinue after the first 72 hours and switch to Vaseline for

remaining days. If slight crust appears on pigmented surface do not force

removal by picking or scratching!

(You will remove pigment along with the


3. The procedure may have some peeling on or around the third day. This is a

normal part of healing on some clients. The lip procedure generally will have the

most peeling. Do not pick... picking can result in scarring and loss of color.

4. Do not apply make-up over healing areas. No tinting of lashes or brows. Avoid

sun, saunas and swimming (including chlorinated pools or Jacuzzis, the ocean or

bodies of water), contact with animals or gardening for 7 to 10 days following procedure(s)

5. Do not rub or traumatize the procedure area while it is healing (pigment might be removed along with the crusting tissue).

6. Use a broad spectrum sun block after area has healed to slow fading.

7. Do not use products containing AHA's on or near pigmented areas including

glycolic or lactic acids or Retin A products (they will fade the color).

8. Avoid products containing Aloe Vera or vitamin E during the healing time.

9. Do not donate blood for one year following the procedure, per the Red Cross.

10. Follow-up appointments should be scheduled between 4 to 8 weeks after the

initial procedure. New procedures are a two-step process and final results are

sometimes not determined until the follow-up visit is completed. Do not judge

your procedure while it is in the healing process as it may require a follow-up.

11. If you experience excessive itching or swelling or any blistering or other

complications post procedure, stop using the aftercare product and call your

technician immediately. You may be allergic to the aftercare product.

12. If you have excessive redness, swelling or tenderness or any red streaks going

from the procedure area to the heart, elevated temperature or excessive drainage. contact your physician and your technician as the area may be infected.

Failure to follow these instructions may result in LOSS OF pigmentation.


We suggest a yearly color refresher to maintain your procedure's color integrity

If you’ve never had micropigmentation before, there are a lot of unknowns. One of the most common questions we’re asked is what to expect during the healing process. While every person is different and some heal more quickly or slowly than others, here’s generally what to expect.

Temporary side effects from micropigmentation include but are not limited to: redness, swelling, puffiness, bruising, dry patches and tenderness. You should expect to lose approximately 1/3 of the initial color during the healing process. We have selected the optimal pigments for you with this in mind. In approximately six days it may appear too light. After about 10 days, the color will show more. It will appear softer when completely healed.


• For the first 3-4 days, avoid soap or cleansing products. Wash only with water and pat dry with a clean, dry cloth.

• Do not resume any method of eyebrow hair removal or coloration for at least two weeks.

• Avoid eyebrow tinting within 48 hours before or two weeks after the procedure.


• Contact lenses should not be worn until the swelling subsides.

• Do not use any eyelash tinting or other coloration for at least two weeks after the procedure.

• Tea bags or ice packs may be used to minimize swelling the day of and the day after the procedure.

• Use Aquaphor or white petroleum (Vaseline®) around the treated area for 3 days following the procedure.

● Use of mascara during the healing process:

○ Do not wear mascara for a few days

○ Use ONLY new unopened mascara, in order to avoid contamination and infection.

○ Apply mascara only to the tips of the eyelashes.

● Do not use eyelash curlers during the healing process.


• Apply ice for the first 2-24 hours to reduce swelling.

• Keep moist with Aquaphor or white petroleum or Liprotek for the next 5-7 days, and then switch to lip balm or lipstick with an SPF of 15 or greater as the sun tends to fade lip color quickly.

• Lips may appear to have too much color in the days following the procedure. You may add makeup to soften the color.

• Scars on the lips from fever blisters cause pigment removal.



















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